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Video: Healing Eczema & Psoriasis With Medical Medium

Healing Eczema & Psoriasis With Medical Medium

Healing Eczema & Psoriasis With Medical Medium

In this video, Todd and Sharon Selby share how they have almost completely healed the eczema and psoriasis that was all over Todd’s body using Medical Medium information. After trying everything they could––from steroids to doctors to cleanses––and finding nothing worked, Sharon found Medical Medium and together they worked on healing Todd’s eczema with Anthony William’s healing information. The combination of celery juice plus the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 Cleanse from the book Medical Medium Liver Rescue were the answers they’d been looking for. Todd and Sharon are thrilled that Todd’s skin has now almost completely healed.

If you or someone you love suffer with eczema or psoriasis, it’s critical to know what’s really causing it. Medical science and research don’t yet know that when a pathogen such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is residing in your liver, it can feed off of different toxins such as the heavy metals copper and mercury, and disruptive skin conditions can appear. 

Different pathogens—and even different strains of the same pathogen—have different appetites for different toxins. Depending on which combination is present in your liver, you’ll get a different rash. Eczema is a combination of half copper and half mercury with a virus, most commonly EBV. The skin reactions form because as EBV feeds off its desired food, it also eliminates it, releasing a much more toxic, destructive form of the original copper or mercury—that is, a dermatoxin. Releasing dermatoxins to the surface of your skin is your body’s masterful way of protecting you. The skin knows your liver is getting overwhelmed and pushes poisons up to the surface. The dermatoxins are highly inflammatory to skin tissue, causing blemishes, fissures, cracks, scabs, flaking, scarring, bleeding, and rashes. 

To find out more about skin conditions and how you can heal yourself, check out the NY Times Bestselling book Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease

Learn more about how to heal from the New York Times bestselling book Cleanse To Heal.

This item posted: 19-Mar-2019

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