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Medical Medium Podcast:

Chumming: Feeding Your Disease

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Chumming: Feeding Your Disease

Some of us eat once a day, some of us eat ten times a day and some of us sit in between. Depending on the size of the meal, what the meal is made up of and depending on how healthy the meal might seem to be, the person eating could be chumming. Chumming is a method to draw out a shark from deep within the ocean, but people who are eating foods of different sorts may be chumming for something far different than an ocean shark. They might be chumming for a blood and organ pathogen. Bugs make up a large swath of sickness in this world, bugs such as EBV and Shingles. These bugs have an appetite for certain foods and these bugs can be dormant for quite some time, or out and about already wreaking havoc, and then comes the food—food that pathogens really enjoy. As we go through life, we end up chumming our bugs if we are not wise to what they eat. We strengthen our bugs and make them grow as we chum. In this episode, learn how to protect yourself and what steps to take to not chum your bugs into proliferation, allowing sickness to worsen. Learn how to thwart sickness and live healthier.

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In this episode…

  • Learn about chumming and how you might be doing it without even realizing.
  • Discover what Public Medical Research & Science does and doesn’t know about viruses and pathogens, and what secrets Classified Medical Research & Science is keeping.
  • Uncover what the public has been kept in the dark about for over 100 years.
  • Learn about the bug assembly line and how eggs played a huge role in its development.
  • Discover the most common ways in which people contract new bugs and viruses.
  • Uncover the reason why some people go from never craving eggs or other foods, to suddenly craving these foods out of nowhere.
  • Learn about one of the first organic and wild food grocery stores in the U.S.

All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

This item posted: 17-Oct-2024

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